All posts tagged animation

You say “Google Doc”, I say “Awesome”

An animation using only Google Docs.

One of many

I like Youtube as much as the next fellow, but for me it hasn’t really become the time sink that it easily could be.  That said, I think Vimeo may be my Youtube…  There are some really amazingly put-together videos hanging out there. This, for example, is amazing: SlagsmÃ¥lsklubben – Sponsored by destiny from Tomas […]

Compelling explanations

Winnie-the-Pooh, a panther, and a mouse rob a passer-by of $160. Also questionable: the robbers were wearing their costumes on account of “they had run out of clean clothes.” (Although… probably not actually $160, as the setting of the crime in question is Tokyo.) Related: Winnie-the-Pooh, Soviet style. (via Reuters: “Winnie-the-Pooh held for robbery?” [12 […]