
It’s only a matter of time now

Really, the headline says it all: “Scientist develops real-life Spiderman suit material.” Though, admittedly, the body of the article does add some detail (and qualifiers). (via ScienceBlog)

But maybe you knew that already

You want ice?  You need black cherries. (via LifeHacker) Loneliness is bad for your health. Bikes “aren’t transportation.”

Proving, scientifically, that what we always knew wasn’t true, isn’t, sort of

“Our findings suggest that consumers who are focused on the future are so preoccupied with finding ways to improve their situation that they become overly sensitive to information that points to such opportunities — and lose sight of the relative advantages of their current choice,” the authors explain. For example, Meyvis and Cooke asked study […]

Water, water, every where… and much of it to drink

Elizabeth Royte, who wrote the charming eco-logue the Tapir’s Morning Bath, does a piece on New York City’s water supply. It’s interesting, both historically and also in the infrastructural how-it-works sort of gee-whiz way. (It also encourages me to move Royte’s book on garbage further up on my to-read list.) (If the NYT can make […]

Newsflash: Getting Beat In The Head Is Bad For Your Brain

Seriously, though: apparently boxing, whether amateur or professional, can lead to brain damage. Or might, anyway. This found in a study that looked at amateur boxers for a biochemical marker for brain damage. (The study also looked at soccer players who repeatedly headed the ball, and found none of the biochemical markers. FYI.) (Science Blog: […]

Why it’s a good thing baby whales aren’t the size of goldfish, or, Alligator v. Python

Not exactly breaking news, but Burmese pythons are setting up shop in the Everglades, and–apparently–they quite like it. Each year a significant number of Burmese pythons – like the snake on sale in a pet store here – are taken home by people who never quite understand the presale warning. They are told point-blank that […]

Turn up the volume…

…on soil remediation! Researchers have developed a prototype that cleans soil by making mud of it and blasting it with ultrasound: Sound waves travel through water as a series of high pressure waves with low pressure areas in between. The low pressure causes the water to boil and form microscopic bubbles. The high pressure then […]

The fountain of youth

Or not so much youth as longevity. Winning the Nobel prize apparently adds years to your life, maybe: “Status seems to work a kind of health-giving magic. Once we do the statistical corrections, walking across that platform in Stockholm apparently adds about 2 years to a scientist’s life-span. How status does this, we just don’t […]

Oekologie is…

…the Utne Reader of environmental blogs, though the phrase the folks there use is “traveling blog carnival”.  This month’s “issue” is posted at Perceiving Wholes.