It’s getting kind of hectic up in this piece

  • Song parody. Web site JibJab strikes out into allegedly charted waters with “This Land Is Your Land” political parody, running into unexpected hot water from the nefarious copyright-holders of the Woody Guthrie song. EFF strikes back. (via MeFi, etc.)
  • Security, what security? Respectful of Otters has an interesting anecdote about security, what anecdote essentially points out that seeming security measures are sometimes nothing more than economic security measures. Anyway, innerestin’ story.
  • Some Noise. Belle Waring on Crooked Timber calls attention to a New Yorker piece on, um, Dick Cheney:

    As a quick-thinking senatorial aide switched on the Senate’s public-address system and cued up the infamous “Seven Minutes of Funk” break, Mr. Leahy and Mr. Cheney went head-to-head in what can only be described as a “take no prisoners” freestyle rap battle…

    Unfortunately, as other senators (along with assorted aides and support-staff members) were casting their votes to decide the winner, using the admittedly subjective but generally accepted “Make some noise up in here!” protocols, Mr. Cheney and Mr. Leahy took the proceedings to what one aide accurately described as “the next level.”

    Edward M. Kennedy (D.-Mass.) was the first to notice that the two men were circling each other, Mr. Cheney brandishing a switchblade and Mr. Leahy the jagged neck of a broken bottle.

    “Oh, snap!” Mr. Kennedy recalls thinking at the time. “It’s getting kind of hectic up in this piece.”

    The whole article, in case you hadn’t noticed, is really worth a read (if only for the revelation of where Cheney and Leahy are kept during non-business hours, and how they’re fed).

  • The End. How To Save The World has an interesting (if somewhat lengthy) post on eco-collapse. I am from time to time a firm believer in the insolubility of present-day troubles, so this post quite naturally piqued my curiosity. After all, we’d all like to know what the end’s going to be like, and HTSTW paints as realistic a portrait as any.