Survey Says, Global Warming Rocks!

Another one of the billions (well, not quite) of climate-themed articles sparked by The Day After Tomorrow.

Interesting thing about this one being the figure(s) it cites:

“While 72 percent of Americans said they were concerned about it [global warming] in 2000, only 58 percent say so now, and only 15 percent believe it has anything to do with fossil fuel consumption.”

Only 15 percent believe it has anything to do with fossil fuel consumption?

I honestly hope that’s one seriously flawed survey.

In unrelated news, 37% of people asked didn’t know (or “knew” incorrectly) what country’s army U.S./allied troops were fighting in the D-Day invasion. In what I’m sure is also unrelated, 37% of people asked thought the mafia might’ve had some involvement in the assassination of JFK.

I’m sure it was a different 37%, at least.

(San Francisco Chronicle: “Getting warmer . . . A movie on climate change is a warning” by William S. Kowinski [May 30, 2004])