
Although what else are you going to find here, honestly? For the movie lover & designer, a hangman-esque game identifying objects from famous movies based on a simplified illustration: Famous Objects from Classic Movies. Oh yeah, the url is hard to remember, too. (Hint: it’s not.) (via Coudal Blended Feed). Wolverine-as-Velociraptor/Deinonychus, Thor as Anklyosaurus, etc. […]

Weirdest Post Ever (not really)

Things like National Geographic’s “Ten Weirdest New Animals of 2010” always seem like a mixed bag, to me. It’s definitely great to promote public awareness of new species, but any list is going to be at least somewhat biased (admittedly, this particular list doesn’t limit itself to the cute and the furry — between the […]

Return of the Rundown

Timewaster: Typewar.  Think you know fonts? Try this game, which you’ll either find completely boring or riveting. Best aggregated reference word site: Wordnik. My favorite reference site right now. All about words. Maps of Disaster: Informative, curious, unnerving. View map (or maps) of the world, with icons of disaster superimposed. For added effect, project image […]

Now returning with more frequent posting, longer entries, better images, AND THIS

You’re welcome. More tk. (via 2modern)

Cleaning House (Rundown)

It turns out computers can figure out what language you’re speaking without actually hearing you.  In at least some controlled circumstances, anyway.  (NewScientist, via Monochrom) “Astonishingly”, (1) people forget their passwords all the time, but (2) the ever-helpful “secret” “questions” are not really either — at least, not as far as security is concerned. If […]

And now…

Went away.  Came back.  Pictures. You know how it is.

150% Awesome

If I had a wall large enough for this (and didn’t have the wall covered with dry-erase board), this graphical representation of the internet-as-subway would certainly be an excellent contender for posting. Which is a too wordy way of saying, this is awesome. You can theoretically put in to order one when they’re printed, but […]

One of many

I like Youtube as much as the next fellow, but for me it hasn’t really become the time sink that it easily could be.  That said, I think Vimeo may be my Youtube…  There are some really amazingly put-together videos hanging out there. This, for example, is amazing: SlagsmÃ¥lsklubben – Sponsored by destiny from Tomas […]


I don’t know why, but I actually feel good about having only seen 10 of the things on this “Definitive List of the 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced on the Internet Unless You’re a Loser or Old or Something.” Admittedly, the 10 I’ve seen were pretty good.  (Well, eight of them.  Well, seven.) […]

Easy see, easy do

The psychologists chose to vary the font, because it is easy to manipulate in the lab. After the students had all read the instructions, the researchers asked them some questions about the exercise regimen: how long they thought it would take, whether it would flow naturally or drag on endlessly, whether it would be boring, […]